Monday, February 7, 2011

The Craft: Part II

I openly admit that I am not crafty, and I don't really enjoy making things with my hands.  But I did recently run across a cute craft project that looked incredibly easy and inexpensive, so I ventured out to Hobby Lobby last weekend and gathered the supplies.  I'm proud to say that I found everything for around $10, including a glue gun, which I can use again. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?  (The fact that I now own such a device humiliates me just a little.)

Without further ado, here is my creation.  Yes, it's kitschy, but it was fun, and I guess that's the point.

I must admit that I had so much fun making those little flowers that I completely covered the bottom of the wreath with them after I took this picture.  And my mom loved the idea so much that she went out and bought the supplies to make more wreaths when my sisters and I visit her this weekend.  We can all sit around the table wrapping yarn around plastic for hours while our children play unsupervised at our feet and our husbands shoot the breeze outside.  How very Jane Austen.

And that's a good thing.