Monday, September 26, 2011

Simple Things

While the calendar technically says it's Fall, it still feels like the middle of summer here in Austin.  Despite this, I've really been in the mood to start some autumn decorating, and James and I have been busy with a few easy crafts.  I really need instant gratification when it comes to crafting, since I don't have the patience or the time required to work on a long-term project, and these ideas can be done in one sitting.

The first, a Play Dough Tree, is courtesy of this month's High Five, James' favorite magazine.  All you need is a small tree branch and some play dough, and you just anchor the branch in a small pot or onto a plate before decorating the tree with little buds of clay.  The magazine suggested fall colors, but we only had neon, and those worked just as well, I think.  James was so proud of his hard work, and best of all, he played with the play dough for an entire hour after the tree was complete.

I ran across our second craft, Toilet Paper Pumpkins, while I was researching another very important topic that I hope to write about soon.  These are so cute and easy to make, and I love that nothing has to be glued down, so you can use everything again, including the toilet paper.  We added things found on our walks, like acorns and leaves from the trees.

And the best part, by far, is that everything was already on hand, so these cost literally nothing to make.  Hope you enjoy!