Boy, was I wrong! Forgetfulness, clumsiness, and downright stupidity have taken over, and I fear they will continue to worsen before they improve. While I haven't set fire to the kitchen yet, I have:
- put my car in reverse, only to wonder why it wouldn't move forward.
- asked my husband the same question, or told him the same piece of information, repeatedly in a span of five minutes.
- forgotten the date on numerous occasions, though I have yet to forget a doctor's appointment.
- forgotten my parents' 32nd wedding anniversary (by far, the worst of my failures).
- made ridiculous typos that would normally cause me to cringe, only I never noticed them (ex: "boiling" for "bowling").
- bumped into walls or cabinets repeatedly.
- knocked over, too many times to count, the glass of water that I always keep by the kitchen sink.
- forgotten my phone number on important forms.
Now, where am I?