Thursday, December 22, 2011

For Ryan

Tomorrow is your birthday, and I want to celebrate you.  I love you so very much and I'm incredibly proud to be your wife.  You are such a loving husband, and you've grown into the most amazing father, too. 

It is such a joy to watch you play with our boys, and I love to see their eyes sparkle with excitement when you come home at the end of the day.  James breaks into a huge grin, and Rhys hurriedly trips over himself as he runs to greet you at the door.  And that is how I feel, too, when I see you.

You are patient and kind, especially when I am feeling the stresses of motherhood, and I truly appreciate how much help and support you provide.  You are a loving son to your parents, and you are setting an excellent example for our sons to follow. 

Even in the midst of a torn-apart kitchen, multiple poopy diapers, and an endless list of things to do, you keep your cool and remind me that things will be okay. 

I am so blessed to know you, and I wish you a wonderful day full of lots of laughter and plenty of beer.

Happy Birthday, my sweet husband!