We found out Thursday that Babycakes will be getting a little brother in July! Sugarplum is healthy and measuring right on schedule, and his mom and dad are absolutely ecstatic!
His 16 week ultrasound caused some alarm, and some very unnecessary stress to my husband and me, when the doctor noticed several choroid plexus cysts in his little brain. By themselves, these cysts are benign and usually disappear before birth, but coupled with a heart defect, both symptoms are markers for Trisomy 18, a chromosome disorder that is usually fatal. For four long weeks, we waited and prayed that our sweet baby would be okay, and I am thrilled to report that he is! This most recent ultrasound revealed that the cysts have disappeared, and Sugarplum's little heart is healthy and pumping at a great pace. We are so grateful for this blessed gift from God, and even though he doesn't fully comprehend it yet, so is Babycakes.